SRT Thailand Train Tickets Online?
Booking Thailand railway tickets online is easy with Just fill in the details of your origin, destinations and the date of the departure, and we will provide you with a list of Thailand train schedule available for online booking. You can choose from Thailand train timetable and the ticket type you desire, check the ticket price and proceed to make the payment.
We offer a number of choices for you to make the payment such as credit card and Alipay. After you fill in the passengers’ details, choose your payment gateway and make the payment. Booking confirmation will be sent to your email within 24 hours.
How to book train tickets in Thailand
1.Search for train
1.Booking your train tickets in Thailand is very quick and simple. Search for train routes between any two cities for your travel dates.
2.Select your route
After search, we will display the results for your itinerary.
Find the train services operated by State Railway of Thailand (SRT) available for your itinerary and select the most convenient option.

Click to expand the details of the route, you will find the available fares. Trains in Thailand offer various types of fares, depending if the service consists of sleeper or seating passenger cars.
- First class Berth arranged in compartments with 2 levels of bunks (Upper and Lower)
- Second class Berth arranged in coaches with 2 levels of bunks (Upper and Lower)
- Second class Seat arranged in 2+2 row configuration
- Third class Seat arranged in 2+2 row configuration
3.Fill in the passenger and contact details
Next, select your seats.

Please provide the passenger information and the contact details of the person responsible for booking. We will send by email the booking confirmation and the electronic ticket.

4.Complete your payment
Select your payment method. We accept international credit or debit cards ( VISA , MASTER CARD,AMRICAN EXPRESS, JCB,UNIUNE PAY) , Alipay Wallet

- Foreigners living in Thailand and Thai people You can pay with PromptPay
– Pay Scan QR CODE with Thailand Mobile Banking.

Check your itinerary and price breakdown. Confirm that the booking information is correct. Before you proceed to payment, you must read and accept the terms and conditions of booking.

5.Receive your tickets by email
Once your payment is complete, your reservation will be processed.
In the following 24 hours you will receive the itinerary and booking confirmation by email with the electronic ticket issued by State Railway of Thailand (SRT) attached in PDF format.

You can also access to Manage your booking via web and download the electronic ticket to your device.

How to use the train e-ticket
State Railway of Thailand (SRT) introduced online ticket booking in 2017.

The electronic tickets are valid boarding passes and can be used to board the train at any departure station.
Passengers are requested to print a copy of the e-ticket in advance and carry the printout while boarding. Passengers should not carry the e-ticket in their mobile phone or tablet as digital copies are not accepted.
Receive your electronic ticket by email in PDF format. Print a copy of the e-ticket in advance and carry the printout with you.
Make sure you don’t miss your train. Arrive at the station 30-60 minutes before the scheduled departure time, locate the platform and wait for the boarding call.
Present a copy of your electronic ticket to the conductor before boarding the train. You may be required to show your passport and verify your id.
Thank you for booking