Bangkok to Phitsanulok by Train

When you want to get from Bangkok to Phitsanulok by Train. Today you can book Train Tickets Online for Bangkok to Phitsanulok route. There is a train service every day.

How far is Bangkok from Phitsanulok?

The travel distance between Bangkok and Phitsanulok is 375 km.

Where does the train from Bangkok to Phitsanulok depart?

Trains on the SRT Northern Line depart from Hua Lamphong Railway Station,Bangkok

  • Passengers are requested to arrive at the station 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to complete the boarding procedures or risk missing the train.

Where does the train from Bangkok to Phitsanulok arrive?

Trains on the SRT Northern Line arrive at Phitsanulok Railway Station

Phitsanulok Train Station Map

Bangkok to Phitsanulok Train Timetable

Update : 30 / 1 / 2023

DepartureDeparture : Krung Thep AphiwatArrival : Phitsanulok Train StationDuration
SP709:0513:124h 07m
RP10720:4502:365h 51m
SP1320:0501:475h 42m
RP11107:3013:436h 13m
EX5122:3004:376h 07m
RP10914:1520:356h 20m
SP918:4000:155h 35m

Bangkok to Phitsanulok Train Tickets Online

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